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Duhovnost in religija

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Wisdom Of Insecurity Wisdom Of Insecurity
Wisdom Of Insecurity

In this fascinating book, Alan Watts explores man's quest for psychological security, examining our efforts to find spiritual and intellectual certainty in the realms of religion and philosophy. The „Wisdom of Insecurity“ underlines the importance of ..

na voljo predvidoma: 19.6. - 21.6.

Wisdom Of Insecurity Wisdom Of Insecurity
Wisdom Of Insecurity

‚A revelatory classic‘ Maria Popova ‚A spiritual polymath, the first and possibly greatest‘ Deepak Chopra What we have forgotten is that thoughts and words are conventions, and that it is fatal to take conventions too seriously Too often we fall in

na voljo predvidoma: 19.6. - 21.6.

Wisdom of the World Wisdom Of Insecurity
Wisdom of the World

When the ancient Greeks looked up into the heavens, they saw not just sun and moon, stars and planets, but a complete, coherent universe, a model of the Good that could serve as a guide to a better life. How this view of the world came to be, and how ..

na voljo predvidoma: 9.7. - 12.7.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Acclaimed as one of the most exciting books in the history of American letters, this modern epic became an instant bestseller upon publication in 1974, transforming a generation and continuing to inspire millions. A narration of a summer motorcycle ..

na voljo predvidoma: 18.6. - 20.6.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHOR AND A READER'S GUIDE Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance caused a sensation when it was first published in 1974.The story of the narrator, his son Chris and their month-long motorcycle odyssey from Minnesota t ..

na voljo predvidoma: 18.6. - 20.6.

ZEN IN THE MARTIAL ARTS Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

„A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action.“–„Samurai Maximum.“ Under the guidance of such celebrated masters as Ed Parker and the immortal Bruce Lee, Joe Hyams vividly recounts his more than 25 years of experience in t ..

na voljo predvidoma: 4.7. - 9.7.

Zen Teaching of Huang Po Zen Teaching of Huang Po
Zen Teaching of Huang Po

This complete translation of the original collection of sermons, dialogues, and anecdotes of Huang Po, the illustrious Chinese master of the Tang Dynasty, allows the Western reader to gain an understanding of Zen from the original source, one of the ..

na voljo predvidoma: 2.7. - 5.7.

Zen Teachings Zen Teaching of Huang Po
Zen Teachings

Bodhidharma, the 5th-century Indian Buddhist monk who is credited with bringing Zen to China, had few disciples in his lifetime. Today there are millions of Zen Buddhists and students of kung fu who claim him as their spiritual father. The edition teaches four of his teachings in their entirety.

na voljo predvidoma: 4.7. - 9.7.

Zizek's Jokes Zen Teaching of Huang Po
Zizek's Jokes

The good news is that this book offers an entertaining but enlightening compilation of Zizekisms. Unlike any other book by Slavoj Zizek, this compact arrangement of jokes culled from his writings provides an index to certain philosophical, political, ..

na voljo predvidoma: 4.7. - 9.7.

Založba AJDA I. Zevnik: BLAŽEVI ZEMLJEVIDI, Blaž Kocen (izvirna, trda) Založba AJDA V. Radovanovič: PETELINČEK IN KRALJEVSKA PTICA (izvirna, trda)
Založba AJDA I. Zevnik: BLAŽEVI ZEMLJEVIDI, Blaž Kocen (izvirna, trda)

Zelo lepa zgodbica o nenavadnosti, o lepem vedenju in šolskih pravilih, o trudu in sodelovanju pa o barvicah, zemljevidih, atlasu, receptih, izletu in še o žabici v skodelici.

na voljo predvidoma: 12.6. - 13.6.

Založba AJDA V. Radovanovič: PETELINČEK IN KRALJEVSKA PTICA (izvirna, trda) Založba AJDA V. Radovanovič: PETELINČEK IN KRALJEVSKA PTICA (izvirna, trda)
Založba AJDA V. Radovanovič: PETELINČEK IN KRALJEVSKA PTICA (izvirna, trda)

Dobrodušna pravljica o velikih temah – o želji po sprejetosti in sprejemanje različnosti. To je tretja knjiga v priljubljeni seriji pravljic o prigodah mladega petelina. Otroci jih zelo radi poslušajo. Lahkotne, a vedre in izrazne ilustracije so izvrstne za sodelovanje in ponavljanje.

na voljo predvidoma: 12.6. - 13.6.

Založba AJDA T. Partljič: ZDAJ SEM TE PRIŠLA (izvirna, trda) Založba AJDA V. Radovanovič: PETELINČEK IN KRALJEVSKA PTICA (izvirna, trda)
Založba AJDA T. Partljič: ZDAJ SEM TE PRIŠLA (izvirna, trda)

Pripoved o odraščanju avtorjeve mame. Skozi zgodbo se mladi bralec sreča z zanj že prav nepredstavljivo preteklostjo. Srečamo se z dobesedno zlorabo moči nad šibkejšimi. Zgodbo in življenje majhne deklice rešijo pogumni odrasli, ki pomagajo točno v trenutku, ko Micika išče pomoč. In ne jutri.

na voljo predvidoma: 12.6. - 13.6.