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Leto izdaje: 2010

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Das Antikrebs-Buch Die Antwort des Wassers. Tl.1
Das Antikrebs-Buch

Als der Arzt und Neurowissenschaftler David Servan-Schreiber an einem Gehirntumor erkrankte, schöpfte er nicht nur alle Möglichkeiten der Schulmedizin aus, sondern vertiefte sich ebenso gründlich in die neueste Forschung zu alternativen Behandlungsan ..

na voljo predvidoma: 11.6. - 13.6.

Die Antwort des Wassers. Tl.1 Die Antwort des Wassers. Tl.1
Die Antwort des Wassers. Tl.1

In diesem Buch legt Masaru Emoto sein faszinierendes Weltbild dar: Er erläutert die Erkenntnisse, zu denen er gelangte, indem er die Ergebnisse der modernsten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen mit den Resultaten seiner eigenen langjährigen Forschungsarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Wassers verband.

na voljo predvidoma: 11.6. - 13.6.

Disease Concept of Alcoholism Die Antwort des Wassers. Tl.1
Disease Concept of Alcoholism

Reprint of 1960 Edition. Jellinek was the founder of the Yale Center of Alcohol Studies and several other research centers. Jellinek coined the expression „the disease concept of alcoholism“, and significantly accelerated the movement towards the m ..

na voljo predvidoma: 4.7. - 9.7.

El monje que vendió su Ferrari El monje que vendió su Ferrari
El monje que vendió su Ferrari

El monje que vendió su Ferrari es la sugerente y emotiva historia deJulian Mantle, un super abogado cuya vida estresante, desequilibrada y obsesionada con el dinero acaba provocándole un infarto. Ese desastre provoca en Julian una crisis espiritual q ..

na voljo predvidoma: 13.6. - 18.6.

Element El monje que vendió su Ferrari

Compelling insight into how to unlock your creative potential. The element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion; the point at which people feel most themselves, inspired and able to achieve at the highest levels.

na voljo predvidoma: 11.6. - 13.6.

Feeling Is the Secret El monje que vendió su Ferrari
Feeling Is the Secret

2010 Reprint of 1944 Edition. Neville. This is Neville's essay outlining the knowledge of the law of consciousness and how to operate this law in order to accomplish all you desire in life. Armed with a working knowledge of this law, you can build and maintain an ideal world.

na voljo predvidoma: 4.7. - 9.7.

Food Rules Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want - Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Food Rules

In sixty-four bite-sized pieces of advice, Michael Pollan's „Food Rules“ tells you everything you need to know to eat healthily, dine happily and live well. Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much. Using those seven simple words as his guide, internati ..

na voljo predvidoma: 12.6. - 14.6.

Get Started in Reflexology Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want - Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Get Started in Reflexology

Reflexology is a natural therapy to beat stress and heal common ailments. Get Started in Reflexology: Teach Yourself is the most comprehensive yet straightforward introduction available for the curious beginner. It is the only title to give you true ..

na voljo predvidoma: 2.7. - 5.7.

Healing Spaces How Rich People Think
Healing Spaces

Does the world make you sick? If the distractions and distortions around you, the jarring colors and sounds, could shake up the healing chemistry of your mind, might your surroundings also have the power to heal you? This is the question Esther Stern ..

na voljo predvidoma: 2.7. - 5.7.

Health At Every Size How Rich People Think
Health At Every Size

Fat isn't the problem. Dieting is the problem. A society that rejects anyone whose body shape or size doesn't match an impossible ideal is the problem. A medical establishment that equates „thin“ with „healthy“ is the problem.The solution? Health at ..

na voljo predvidoma: 1.7. - 4.7.

How Rich People Think How Rich People Think
How Rich People Think

This book will teach you how rich people think. It compares the thoughts, habits and philosophies of the middle class to the world class when it comes to wealth. The differences are as extreme as they are numerous. The strategy is simple: learn how ..

na voljo predvidoma: 4.7. - 9.7.