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Leto izdaje: 2009

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Chiron and the Healing Journey Chiron and the Healing Journey
Chiron and the Healing Journey

A wise and fascinating exploration of the nature of the healing experience as delineated in the horoscope, in particular through the archetypal pattern of the Wounded Healer or Shaman. An indispensible book for anyone wanting to understand the symbol ..

na voljo predvidoma: 18.7. - 23.7.

Classic Yoga Bible Chiron and the Healing Journey
Classic Yoga Bible

Definitive guides, with visualizations, advice on poses, spreads for divining the future, spell recipes, step-by-step exercises, meditations, practical exercises, dream symbols, advice on stones, healing properties and inspiration. All are illustrated.

na voljo predvidoma: 27.6. - 1.7.

Classical Medical Astrology Chiron and the Healing Journey
Classical Medical Astrology

A treasure chest of traditional medical astrology is opened in the modern age, explaining methods for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment in a clear, practical fashion.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.7. - 19.7.

Clear Body Clear Mind Contented Baby with Toddler Book
Clear Body Clear Mind

Street drugs, medical drugs, and other toxic substances are part of reality around us. We are exposed to toxic substances one way or another. These have an effect on our mind and leave residuals in our body. How can one effectively eradicate these fr ..

na voljo predvidoma: 20.6. - 21.6.

Complete Book of Chakra Healing Contented Baby with Toddler Book
Complete Book of Chakra Healing

When first published in 1996, Cyndi Dale's guide to the chakras established a new standard for healers, intuitives, and energy workers worldwide. This groundbreaking book quickly became a bestseller. It expanded the seven-chakra system to thirty-two ..

na voljo predvidoma: 27.6. - 1.7.

Contented Baby with Toddler Book Contented Baby with Toddler Book
Contented Baby with Toddler Book

The prospect of bringing a new baby home when you already have a toddler can be extremely daunting. Life with a newborn baby is tiring and challenging enough but with a demanding elder brother or sister to deal with too, how do you cope? Written in t ..

na voljo predvidoma: 27.6. - 1.7.

Conversations with Richard Bandler Conversations with Richard Bandler
Conversations with Richard Bandler

Complex dialogue, breakthrough techniques, insightful exercises fromtwo of the greatest minds in the field of personal growth and change.

na voljo predvidoma: 11.7. - 16.7.

Crystal Bible Volume 2 Conversations with Richard Bandler
Crystal Bible Volume 2

The Crystal Bible Volume 2 provides an essential companion reference to the original bible, fully describing the properties of over 200 crystals not found in volume 1. Featuring new information on crystals for energy enhancement and healing grids, th ..

na voljo predvidoma: 27.6. - 1.7.

Darkness Walks Conversations with Richard Bandler
Darkness Walks

The Shadow People. They lurk in obscurity. Looming human figures, blacker than darkness. Millions across the globe see them. The unfortunate feel their touch. And some awake in horror to their red, unblinking stare. Join Jason Offutt, who has intervi ..

na voljo predvidoma: 18.7. - 23.7.

Das Leben hat keinen Rückwärtsgang Das Leben hat keinen Rückwärtsgang
Das Leben hat keinen Rückwärtsgang

Es geht uns so gut wie nie in der Geschichte der Menschheit, und doch fühlen sich viele schlecht, ganz unabhängig von ihrem materiellen Lebensstandard. Was fehlt? Die Not, die einen früher nicht auf dumme Gedanken brachte? Der Gott, der uns eine Rich ..

na voljo predvidoma: 26.6. - 28.6.

Die Satanische Hexe Das Leben hat keinen Rückwärtsgang
Die Satanische Hexe

"…beschäftigt sich ausführlich mit der Manipulation der Mitmenschen und entwirft unter anderem eine eigene Charakterkunde, sozusagen als Satanisches Spiegelbild zur trivialisierenden Populär-Astrologie der Hippies. Ein Ratgeber für Frauen, Männer z ..

na voljo predvidoma: 26.6. - 28.6.

Die Satanischen Schriften Das Leben hat keinen Rückwärtsgang
Die Satanischen Schriften

Die Satanischen Schriften lassen den Leser an Witz, Weisheit und diabolischer Perspektive des Hohenpriesters der Church Of Satan, Magus Peter H. Gilmore, teilhaben. Diese Essays, Artikel und Polemiken aus über zwanzig Jahren sind aus den Schriften de ..

na voljo predvidoma: 26.6. - 28.6.