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Corneal Topography Arctic Heroes: A Tribute to the Sled Dogs of Greenland
Corneal Topography

The new edition of this leading text atlas on corneal topography has been updated to include the latest advances in technology, such as Pentacam, Orbscan, anterior segment optical coherence tomography, and wavefront aberrometers. The principles and t ..

na voljo predvidoma: 10.10. - 15.10.

Arctic Heroes: A Tribute to the Sled Dogs of Greenland Arctic Heroes: A Tribute to the Sled Dogs of Greenland
Arctic Heroes: A Tribute to the Sled Dogs of Greenland

Arctic Heroes takes a poignant look at the fate of the Greenland sled dog. In Greenland, where the melting ice sheet is irrevocably disrupting the hunters’ 4,000-year old traditional way of life, the stark reality of global warming is an immediate an ..

na voljo predvidoma: 1.10. - 3.10.

Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites Arctic Heroes: A Tribute to the Sled Dogs of Greenland
Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites

This unique book is both an illustrated field guide to observing meteors and also a field guide to locating, preparing and analysing meteorites. It provides everything the amateur astronomer (or geologist!) needs to know about meteors and meteorites.§

na voljo predvidoma: 18.10. - 23.10.

Quantum Enigma Der andere Tiger
Quantum Enigma

In trying to understand the atom, physicists built quantum mechanics, the most successful theory in science and the basis of one-third of our economy. They found, to their embarrassment, that with their theory, physics encounters consciousness. Authors Bru

na voljo predvidoma: 18.10. - 23.10.

Der andere Tiger Der andere Tiger
Der andere Tiger

Aufgeschreckt von den großen, schlagkräftigen T-34-Panzern der Sowjets begann die Entwicklung eines noch schlagkräftigeren Panzers: Ferdinand Porsche beteiligte sich mit einem Entwurf an der Entwicklung des Panzers, der zum legendären Tiger werden so ..

na voljo predvidoma: 1.10. - 3.10.

Military Fitness Der andere Tiger
Military Fitness

Die hohe körperliche Fitness ist weltweit eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Mitglieder von Spezialeinheiten beim Militär. Sie müssen nicht nur stark, schnell, ausdauernd und beweglich sein, sondern ebenfalls die Fähigkeit besitzen, über ihre jew ..

na voljo predvidoma: 1.10. - 3.10.

What Einstein Told His Barber What Einstein Told His Barber
What Einstein Told His Barber

Do you often find yourself pondering life's little conundrums? Have you ever wondered why the ocean is blue? Or why birds don't get electrocuted when perching on high-voltage power lines? Robert L. Wolke, professor emeritus of chemistry at the Univer ..

na voljo predvidoma: 29.10. - 5.11.

The Witch's Dream What Einstein Told His Barber
The Witch's Dream

A renowned student of don Juan Matus, Florinda Donner-Grau entered the world of spiritual healing as an anthropologist. But her involvement soon deepened into something far more personal when she bacame an apprentice to dona Mercedes, and aged healer ..

na voljo predvidoma: 10.10. - 15.10.

Особое мясо What Einstein Told His Barber
Особое мясо

Внезапное появление смертоносного вируса, поражающего животных, стремительно меняет облик мира. Все они — от домашних питомцев до диких зверей — подлежат немедленному уничтожению с целью нераспространения заразы. Употреблять их мясо в пищу категориче ..

na voljo predvidoma: 6.11. - 11.11.

Product Mastery Исцеление рода. Путь к процветанию и благополучию
Product Mastery

Scrum is the most successful framework for agile product development and much has been written about how to follow the Scrum process but the key to success is in the leadership skills of the product owner. Product Mastery explores the traits of

na voljo predvidoma: 29.10. - 5.11.

Исцеление рода. Путь к процветанию и благополучию Исцеление рода. Путь к процветанию и благополучию
Исцеление рода. Путь к процветанию и благополучию

Новое издание книги „Исцеление рода. Путь к процветанию и благополучию“ Валерия и Людмилы Синельниковых – это практическое пособие для исследования и исцеления Вашего Рода.Теперь это книга-тренинг с заданиями и дополнительными материалами. Отзывы чит ..

na voljo predvidoma: 6.11. - 11.11.

Secrets of the Baby Whisperer Исцеление рода. Путь к процветанию и благополучию
Secrets of the Baby Whisperer

Exploring many of the themes contained in Dostoevsky's novels, this unique collection of short masterpieces illuminates the author's astonishing depth and current relevance.

na voljo predvidoma: 15.10. - 18.10.