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Und ich schüttelte einen Liebling Baltic Belles: The Dedalus Book of Estonian Women's Literature
Und ich schüttelte einen Liebling

Friederike Mayröcker hat nach dem Tod ihres Schreib- und Lebensgefährten Ernst Jandl Erinnerungen und Träume, Gespräche und Zitate, Eindrücke und Beobachtungen auf Notizzetteln gesammelt, hat ihren Text geschüttelt und den fruchtbaren Augenblick abge ..

na voljo predvidoma: 30.4. - 6.5.

Baltic Belles: The Dedalus Book of Estonian Women's Literature Baltic Belles: The Dedalus Book of Estonian Women's Literature
Baltic Belles: The Dedalus Book of Estonian Women's Literature

This anthology presents readers with a broad selection of fiction written between the late 19th century and today. The collection opens with the early realist Elisabeth Aspe, who described both village life and urban fear during the final decades of the 19

na voljo predvidoma: 3.5. - 7.5.

Skazat' zhizni "Da!". Psiholog v konclagere Baltic Belles: The Dedalus Book of Estonian Women's Literature
Skazat' zhizni "Da!". Psiholog v konclagere

Цитата Эта книга принадлежит к числу немногих величайших человеческих творений.

na voljo predvidoma: 23.5. - 28.5.

Wilderness Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing and Smoking Meat, Fish and Game

In August 1918 Rockwell Kent and his 9-year-old son settled into a primitive cabin on an island near Seward, Alaska. Kent, who during the next three decades became America's premier graphic artist, printmaker, and illustrator, was seeking time, peace ..

na voljo predvidoma: 25.4. - 26.4.

Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing and Smoking Meat, Fish and Game Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing and Smoking Meat, Fish and Game
Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing and Smoking Meat, Fish and Game

This no-nonsense guide to canning, freezing, smoking and curing meat, fish and game is written in down-to-earth, informative, everyday language. The third edition of this perennial bestseller is completely revised and updated to comply with the lates ..

na voljo predvidoma: 22.5. - 27.5.

Ethics for the New Millennium Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing and Smoking Meat, Fish and Game
Ethics for the New Millennium

The Dalai Lama bases his exquisitely argued cry for a new look at society on the radical notion that human beings are „originally pure“ and presents a persuasive examination of man's fundamental nature. His moral system is founded on universal princi ..

na voljo predvidoma: 16.5. - 21.5.

Philosophy of Tolkien La terza (e ultima) vita di Aiace Pardon
Philosophy of Tolkien

„Kreeft shows how Tolkien gives a very convincing myth or vision which makes sense of reality and gives arguments for them. This is an exciting and insightful book.“

na voljo predvidoma: 15.5. - 20.5.

On Grief and Grieving La terza (e ultima) vita di Aiace Pardon
On Grief and Grieving

The authors explain how Kubler-Rosss famous „Five Stages of Dying“ apply directly to mourners themselves. In this, her final book, completed shortly before her death, the authors own experiences and spiritual insight explain how the grief process helps survivors live with loss.

na voljo predvidoma: 15.5. - 20.5.

La terza (e ultima) vita di Aiace Pardon La terza (e ultima) vita di Aiace Pardon
La terza (e ultima) vita di Aiace Pardon

La nebbia autunnale avvolge Milano quando Aiace Pardon, un mite senzatetto che vive e mendica presso la stazione Centrale, inizia a ricevere strane donazioni: prima 5, poi 10, 20 e 50 euro. Il vecchio č ipovedente e del misterioso benefattore vede so ..

na voljo predvidoma: 6.5. - 9.5.

The Secret - Das Geheimnis The Secret - Das Geheimnis
The Secret - Das Geheimnis

Alle Leser sind im Grunde auf der Suche nach der einen Erkenntnis, die nicht nur ihre intellektuelle Neugier befriedigt, sondern ihnen Anleitung gibt, ihr Leben glücklicher und erfüllter zu gestalten. Diese eine Erkenntnis -„The Secret“, wie Autorin ..

na voljo predvidoma: 30.4. - 6.5.

Money, a Love Story The Secret - Das Geheimnis
Money, a Love Story

Having a good relationship with money is tough–whether you have millions in the bank or just a few bucks to your name. Why? Because just like any other relationship, your life with money has its ups and downs, its twists and turns, its breakups and makeup

na voljo predvidoma: 15.5. - 20.5.

Путешествие к центру Земли The Secret - Das Geheimnis
Путешествие к центру Земли

В 1893 году к профессору минералогии Отто Лиденброку случайно попадает зашифрванный манускрипт алхимика XVI века, из которого он узнает о том, что существует возможность достигнуть центра Земли. Спустившись в кратер одного из вулканов Исландии, профе ..

na voljo predvidoma: 6.6. - 11.6.