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Crystallizing Public Opinion When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing: How Learning to Let Go Will Get You Where You Want to Go
Crystallizing Public Opinion

From the author of the best-selling Propaganda, Crystallizing Public Opinion is the first book ever written about public relations.

na voljo predvidoma: 19.7. - 24.7.

When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing: How Learning to Let Go Will Get You Where You Want to Go When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing: How Learning to Let Go Will Get You Where You Want to Go
When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing: How Learning to Let Go Will Get You Where You Want to Go

Nothing is the Perfect Teacher It teaches by example. It is non-threatening, peaceful and tolerant. It holds no grudges and never feels guilty. Always present, it never worries about the future or the past. Nothing is counterbalance to the insanely he

na voljo predvidoma: 19.7. - 24.7.

That Untravelled World When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing: How Learning to Let Go Will Get You Where You Want to Go
That Untravelled World

That Untravelled World is the autobiography of Eric Shipton, one of the greatest adventurers of the twentieth century. First published in 1969, it is the story of an adventurer who, inspired by Edward Whymper, travelled to feral landscapes across the ..

na voljo predvidoma: 19.7. - 24.7.

Skinhead The SCP Foundation Anomalous Biohazards Manual Vol 1: SCP- Secure, Contain, Protect

Sixteen-year-old Joe Hawkins is the anti-hero's anti-hero. His life is ruled by clothes, beer, football and above all violence – violence against hippies, authority, racial minorities and anyone else unfortunate enough to get in his way.Joe is a ..

na voljo predvidoma: 19.7. - 24.7.

Muscle Building: (Original Version, Restored) The SCP Foundation Anomalous Biohazards Manual Vol 1: SCP- Secure, Contain, Protect
Muscle Building: (Original Version, Restored)

"I have often watched crowds pass on the streets and noticed most of the individuals shuffle along more dead than alive. Seventy-five per cent, of them are round- shouldered and fiat-chested; many are carrying twenty- five to fifty pounds extra weight arou

na voljo predvidoma: 19.7. - 24.7.

The SCP Foundation Anomalous Biohazards Manual Vol 1: SCP- Secure, Contain, Protect The SCP Foundation Anomalous Biohazards Manual Vol 1: SCP- Secure, Contain, Protect
The SCP Foundation Anomalous Biohazards Manual Vol 1: SCP- Secure, Contain, Protect

SCP- SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECTThroughout history the SCP Foundation has kept humanity safe from the very worst anomalous entities and phenomena known throughout the multiverse. Many of these threats are bio-hazardous ..

na voljo predvidoma: 19.7. - 24.7.

The Science of Intelligent Decision Making: How to Think More Clearly, Save Your Time, and Maximize Your Happiness. Destroy Indecision! The Science of Intelligent Decision Making: How to Think More Clearly, Save Your Time, and Maximize Your Happiness. Destroy Indecision!
The Science of Intelligent Decision Making: How to Think More Clearly, Save Your Time, and Maximize Your Happiness. Destroy Indecision!

Overwhelmed and paralyzed by your choices? Missing opportunities because of bad information, analysis, or intuition?You can't just rely on your gut instinct or „hunch“ when you make decisions. There's a science to improving your critical thinking, weighing

na voljo predvidoma: 19.7. - 24.7.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas The Science of Intelligent Decision Making: How to Think More Clearly, Save Your Time, and Maximize Your Happiness. Destroy Indecision!
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Reprint. Originally published: New York: Random House, 1972.

na voljo predvidoma: 1.7. - 4.7.

Cucchiaio d'Argento. Dolci. 100 ricette per volersi bene The Science of Intelligent Decision Making: How to Think More Clearly, Save Your Time, and Maximize Your Happiness. Destroy Indecision!
Cucchiaio d'Argento. Dolci. 100 ricette per volersi bene

Per gli amanti della buona cucina il momento del dolce è quello più atteso. Ma sono tante le occasioni della giornata in cui godersi qualcosa di goloso, fatto con ingredienti di qualità e realizzato con le proprie mani. Le 100 ricette di questo volum ..

na voljo predvidoma: 1.7. - 4.7.

Marcovaldo. Ovvero le stagioni in città Marcovaldo. Ovvero le stagioni in città
Marcovaldo. Ovvero le stagioni in città

«In mezzo alla città di cemento e asfalto, Marcovaldo va in cerca della Natura. Ma esiste ancora, la Natura? Quella che egli trova è una Natura dispettosa, contraffatta, compromessa con la vita artificiale. Personaggio buffo e melanconico, Marcovaldo ..

na voljo predvidoma: 1.7. - 4.7.

cosmicomiche Marcovaldo. Ovvero le stagioni in città

"Il protagonista di questo libro si chiama Qfwfq. Altro non si sa, non è nemmeno detto che sia un uomo …Quanti anni ha? Dato che non c'è avvenimento di milioni o miliardi di anni fa cui non abbia assistito, si deve calcolare che ha più o meno l'età ..

na voljo predvidoma: 1.7. - 4.7.

Courage Marcovaldo. Ovvero le stagioni in città

Courage is not the absence of fear, says Osho – it is rather the total presence of fear with the courage to face it. Osho proposes that whenever we are faced with uncertainty and change in our lives, it is a cause for celebration, and instead of hang ..

na voljo predvidoma: 28.6. - 2.7.